Bifidobacterium mixture treatment in children with seasonal allergic
rhinitis and intermittent asthma.

2020-04-30 6547

Main Research Contents:

The study aimed at investigating whether a Bifidobacteria mixture containing B breve M-16V could relieve nasal symptoms, and affect quality of life (QoL) in children with AR and intermittent asthma.

Main Research Findings:

The study demonstrated that a Bifidobacteria mixture containing B breve M-16V was able of significantly improving AR symptoms and QoL in children with pollen-induced AR and intermittent asthma.

Giudice, M., Indolfi, C., Capasso, M. et al. 
Bifidobacterium mixture (B longum BB536, B infantis M-63, B breve M-16V) treatment in children with seasonal allergic rhinitis and intermittent asthma. 
Ital J Pediatr 43, 25 (2017).
